Partner Development Director
Responsible To:
Basic knowledge of the principles of business administration and salesmanship, and the ability to apply that knowledge. Able to communicate effectively and persuasively with people in both one-on-one and group situations. Ability to organize programs and people. Commensurate educational background and work experience to fulfill job requirements. Accept LEI Covenant Commitment and Statement of Faith. The ideal candidate knows Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, is called by God to Christian work and witness, and feels God’s leading to work with LEI.
Plan and implement coordinated investment programs for increasing financial and prayer resources.
Complete Description:
1. Looks at past LEI methods in funding ministry programs and becomes familiar with programs currently in place.
2. Formalizes and implements future ministry program funding techniques and plans.
3. Sets up related office procedures, files and record systems.
4. Establishes goals, and timetables for attaining those goals, in conjunction with Annual Review.
5. Manages giving programs already in place, updates related procedures and policies as needed, and develops new programs as required (eg. Current Gifts, Deferred Gifts, Foundations. etc.)
6. Has oversight of public meetings and conferences.
7. Would provide input to the Development Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Raises own support or is self-funded.
Download, complete and email an application to [email protected]